(Students must earn a combined total of 25 points to fulfill this component. This can be done through the completion of the opportunities below)

Leadership Seminars

(5 points)

The Leadership Seminars are integral to our comprehensive Leadership Lab Certification Program. These engaging 30-minute sessions, worth a point each, are hosted by esteemed local and national leaders, covering a diverse range of leadership topics. Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to attend these interactive seminars, delving into subjects such as resilience, goal setting, personal branding, fear management, and the art of influencing others. The seminars provide valuable insights and practical strategies shared by experienced leaders, enhancing students’ leadership skills and perspectives.

After attending each seminar, students must complete a reflection summary, offering a thoughtful analysis of the key takeaways and how they intend to apply these insights in their own leadership journey. This reflective component adds a personalized touch to the learning experience, encouraging students to internalize and implement the leadership principles discussed in the seminars. Collectively, these seminars contribute to the well-rounded development of leadership competencies, further solidifying the foundation for the Leadership Institute Certification.

Case Study Competition

(10 points)

The Leadership Case Study Competition is an immersive and dynamic half-day experience that provides students with the opportunity to engage in real-world leadership challenges. In this unique event, students are paired up and tasked with analyzing a leadership scenario, formulating strategic action steps, and presenting their insights to a panel of judges. The competition tests students’ critical thinking skills and emphasizes effective teamwork and presentation abilities. Teams are evaluated based on their thought process, presentation quality, critical thinking, and collaborative efforts. Participation in this enriching experience is rewarded with 3 points in the Continued Education section, contributing to the overall development of students’ leadership capabilities.