Middle & Upper School Publications/Upper School Journalism
Cristina Alvarez teaches Journalism and Publications classes at the Upper School. Before becoming an Oak Hall teacher in 2018, she was the Administrative Assistant to the Upper School director for three years. Cristina is a Gator and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the University of Florida. She has also earned her master's degree in Educational Leadership. Cristina has one daughter, Caitlin, who attends Oak Hall's Middle School.
Michelle Anderson
Kindergarten Teacher
Shelly Anderson started working at Oak Hall in 2014. She taught Junior Kindergarten for two years and then moved to First Grade. She is certified in Elementary Education K-6 and has a minor in Special Education PreK-6. She is teaching her second year in Kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year.
Melissa Armstrong
Middle School Language Arts & World Cultures Teacher
Elizabeth Arroyo
World Language Teacher
Elizabeth Arroyo Mendéz was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She has a B.A. in Science and Spanish from the University of Sacred Heart in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Elizabeth has 30 years of teaching experience in public and private schools, including five years of Math, Science and 25 teaching Spanish. She has presented more than 15 Language teacher conference workshops in Florida for the FFLA, AATSP, Scolt, National Association of Independent School as well as a judge in the Florida State Spanish Conference. In 2016 Sra. Arroyo won the Spanish Teacher of the Year for the Florida Foreign Language Association. She has also served has a trip leader with students trips to Europe with EFTours. She joined Oak Hall school 14 years ago. She helps our Middle School Spanish students compete in their annual Middle School competition in Gainesville and Jacksonville events. Since she started teaching at Oak Hall, Sra. Arroyo teaches Introduction to Languages/ Global Affairs and Spanish Level 1A and 1B. Sra. Arroyo is the Language Department Chair.
Sylvia Ashwell
TA,LS Teaching Assistant 1st Grade
Diana Astudillo
2nd Grade Teacher
Diana Astudillo is a Second Grade teacher. She has been teaching in the Lower School since 2017. She worked in Public Communication for eight years before pursuing graduate school. Diana has three adult children, two of whom graduated from Oak Hall.
Christina Aulino
Upper School History Teacher
Christina Aulino joined the faculty at Oak Hall School in 2022. She has three degrees from the University of Florida, including a BA in History and Economics, an M.Ed. in Social Studies Education, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Aulino teaches AP United States History, AP World History, and Honors United States History. In addition, she is the faculty sponsor for Model United Nations and Youth in Government and the co-coordinator of the Global Affairs Distinguished Scholars Program.
Anne Aulisio
4th Grade Teaching Assistant
Anne Aulisio is an assistant teacher to Mrs. Rucarean in 4th grade Reading and Language Arts in the Lower School. Before becoming an assistant, she was a substitute in the Lower School and ECLC. Anne maintains an active nursing license. Anne has three daughters, two of whom graduated from Oak Hall and one who is in the Upper School.
Robert Bartley
Campus Protection Officer
Robert G. Bartley II joined Oak Hall in July 2018 as the Campus Protection Officer. The following year, he was promoted to Director of Security. Robert attended Lake City Community College and Santa Fe College. He graduated from the Santa Fe College Police Academy in August 1981. He began his law enforcement career on November 8, 1981, as a sworn Deputy Sheriff for the Alachua County Sheriff’s Department. He then transferred to the City of Gainesville Police Department on February 15, 1988, as a sworn Police Officer. He was promoted to Sergeant on September 15, 1998, and continued his law enforcement career with the Gainesville Police Department until retirement in September 2017.
Ugur Baslanti
Upper School Math Teacher
Ugur Baslanti, Ph.D., began teaching Upper School Mathematics at Oak Hall in 2019. He is also one of the Upper School College Counselors and sponsors the SAT/ACT Math Club and the Tea Club. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Education, a Master of Science in Secondary School Science and Mathematics Education, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Educational Technology from the University of Florida. Ugur taught college-level classes to prospective teachers at UF’s College of Education before he joined the K-12 community, where he taught middle and high school mathematics and served as administrator, high school counselor, and academic teams coordinator for many years. Ugur also served as a mentor principal for the Southern Regional Education Board in 2012 and as a STEM Academic Coordinator for Duke University’s Duke TIP eStudies program for gifted students. He has received the 2019 Florida K-12 Champion for College and Career Readiness recognition from the American College Program (ACT). In addition to his duties at Oak Hall, he has served as a governing board member for a STEM-focused public charter school (K-8) in Tallahassee since 2020.
Sara Bensalem
LS Art Teacher
Anna Birenbaum
Middle & Upper School Science/Stem Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Julie Black
Middle School Counselor
Bio coming soon.
Quinn Bohan
Upper School Science Teacher
Quinn Bohan is an Upper School Science teacher with a focus on Physics. Since joining the Oak Hall community in 2018, he has taught all levels of Physics offered at Oak Hall. He has served as the Head Swimming and Diving Coach since 2021.
Carolina Bohn
Lower School Teaching Assistant
Michael Bohn
Staff, Technology Assistant pt
Logan Bowlds
Director Lower School
Logan Bowlds serves as the Director of the Lower School at Oak Hall. Logan has his undergraduate degree in History and Political Science from Middle Tennessee University, and his graduate degree in Education from Lipscomb University. He has served in various roles at schools in Georgia and Florida over the past 12 years, including classroom teacher, Division Director, and Head of School. Logan and his wife, Caitlyn, are proud parents of two Oak Hall students, Mattie Adair and Millie.
Caitlyn Bowlds
Junior Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Kelli Brettel
Business Office Accounting Manager
Kelli Brettel joined Oak Hall as an accounting assistant in 2016 and became the Business Office / Accounting Manager in October 2018. She graduated from Liberty University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in accounting. Before Oak Hall, Kelli was a city clerk for a small town in the tri-county area. Kelli enjoys serving and being a part of the Oak Hall Community.
Shannon M Bridgman
Faculty, LS 1st Grade
Steven Bristow
Staff,School Security Guard
Debra Brown
Kindergarten Teacher
Debra is thrilled to be teaching at Oak Hall for her fourth year! Debra is exceptionally thankful for the opportunity to do what she loves every day!
Arthur Brown
Robert Bryan
Science Teacher
Bob has taught 6th grade Regular Earth Science in the Middle School since 2000 (Co-teaching Advanced Earth Science 22-24) and Middle School Physical Education from 20-24. From 2003-2018, Bob also served as Middle School Dean. Bob has also taught Health (01-02, 19-22) and Intro to Anatomy(Fall 2019) for the Upper School. During his time here, Bob has served as Varsity Boys Basketball Assistant Coach, Junior Varsity Boys Basketball Head & Assistant Coach, Junior High Boys Basketball Head Coach, and Middle School Football Head & Assistant Coach. He has a son, Zachary, who graduated from Oak Hall in 2018.
Scott Campbell
English Teacher
Scott Campbell has taught English in the Upper School at Oak Hall since 2011. Before that, he taught at an independent school in South Carolina for three years. He also taught as an Instructor for three years at Purdue University and seven years at the University of Illinois. He is an ABD in 19th Century American Lit from Illinois.
Fernando Castro
Bio coming soon.
Anthony Castronovo
Anthony Castronovo is an interdisciplinary artist and educator whose creative work combines sculpture, robotics, and solar power. Born in Gainesville, FL, he received his B.F.A. in Sculpture from the University of Florida in 2003 and his M.F.A. in Art and Technology from The Ohio State University in 2006. Over the past twenty years, he has taught various art courses at public universities in the US and internationally, ranging from traditional sculpture to robotics and art & engineering collaborations. Mr. Castronovo began teaching at Oak Hall in 2022 and teaches Upper School Art classes ranging from Art I & II, Painting & Drawing, AP Studio Art, Sculpture, Digital Fabrication & Robotics, and Engineering courses. He also serves as an advisor to Arts Conservatory Program students in Visual Arts. Mr. Castronovo's creative projects can be seen at acastronovo.com.
Andrew Cobb
MS Science
Andrew Cobb joined Oak Hall in 2019 as the Middle School Advanced Science Teacher and AP Environmental Science teacher. He started his career in education as a high school Biology teacher in Ocala, Florida. He took classes in the UFTeach minor, which provides educational courses for math and science majors. As part of this program, he participated in research with the malacology department with John Slapcinsky and worked with the Florida Museum of Natural History in the education department. After graduating, he taught science at Ocala, Asheville, and Gainesville schools.
Elisabeth Coker
LS Learning Specialist
Lizzy Coker joined Oak Hall as a kindergarten teacher in 2014 and taught kindergarten for seven years. In 2022-2023, she supported the Lower School as the Interim Assistant Director. She is now serving as the Preschool - Second Grade Learning Specialist. She has a Master of Education degree from the University of Florida. Lizzy is passionate about providing children with a safe, warm, and supportive learning environment. She and her husband have three children, ages 4, 2, and a baby!
Cheryl Coleman
3rd Grade Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Nancy Coleman
Director of Enrollment Management
Nancy Coleman joined Oak Hall as a first-grade teacher in 1997 and became the Lower School Director of Admissions in 2005. In 2015, Nancy became the Director of Enrollment Management for Preschool–Grade 12. Nancy is the proud mom of an Oak Hall graduate, Hannah (Class of 2018).
Angie Cook
Assistant Athletic Director
Bio coming soon.
Lauren Corbin
Business Office Assistant
Ada Crawford
2nd Grade Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Holly Curbow
Kindergarten Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Erin Cushing
US Music
Erin Cushing is an Upper School Music teacher and music director for the One School Musical. She teaches AP Music Theory, piano techniques, a digital audio foundations course, and band and music theater classes. Since 2004, Erin has directed numerous productions, attended the prestigious Carnegie Hall Music Educators Workshop, and earned a Conversational Solfege music educator certification. Her teaching spans pre-K through 12th grade, leading performance ensembles on state, national, and international tours. Erin was accepted as a conductor for the 2020 Frost Young Women Conductors’ Symposium and presented at the 2022 Florida Music Educators Association Professional Development Conference. She was recognized as a local public elementary school's 2014 Teacher of the Year and was selected as the recipient of the Gleim and Fuhr Family Faculty Excellence Fund award to attend the Broadway Teachers Workshop in New York City in July 2024.
Scott Davenport
US Science Teacher
Mark Davis
Director of Maintenance
Mark Davis joined Oak Hall in 2002.
Kim Davis
Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Matthew Davis
LS Teaching Assistant
Courtney Driver
US History Teacher
Courtney Driver is a social studies teacher in the Upper School at Oak Hall School, specifically World and US History. She has been teaching high school social studies since 2017, teaching primarily in public schools in Polk County before relocating to Gainesville, and was Teacher of the Year for the 2017-2018 school year while teaching there. She is the faculty advisor for the Oak Hall School chapter of Key Club International and Dance Marathon. She and her husband have two children (class of 2027 and 2030.)
Yvette Dukes
Junior Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Jamie Ebert
Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Jamie Ebert joined Oak Hall in 2021 as a Junior Kindergarten teacher.
Ashley Enoch-Scott
Lower School Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Catherine Euliano
Upper School Math Teacher
Catherine Euliano joined the Oak Hall faculty in 2023 as an Upper School Mathematics Teacher and Assistant Girls Varsity Basketball Coach. She was an Oak Hall lifer, attending from Preschool through 12th grade. Having completed bachelor's degrees in mathematics and psychology from the University of Florida and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Washington University in St. Louis, Catherine is excited to return to Oak Hall.
Hinna Fazal
2nd Grade Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Amanda Ferwerda
Lower School Music Teacher
Corinna French
Chief Communications Officer
Corinna French joined Oak Hall School as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator in May 2018 and became the school's Chief Communications Officer in March 2021. She has a Public Relations degree from the University of Florida.
She's the mom of two Oak Hall Eagles, Ava (Class of 2027) & Koa (Class of 2031).
Amy Frost
Teaching Assistant
Amy Frost joined the Oak Hall School family in 2012 as a substitute teacher. She worked as a Teaching Assistant in First Grade for eight years and is currently a Teaching Assistant in Kindergarten.
Riley Futch
IT Technician
Bio coming soon.
Tim Garrett
Assistant Director of Upper School
Bio coming soon.
Thomas George
School Store Manager
Bio coming soon.
Jacob Goldberger
US Administrative Assistant
Victoria Gotsch
LS Teaching Assistant
Jaime Gresley
Director of Advancement
Jaime Gresley has a B.A. in Political Science from Northern Arizona University and an M. Ed in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University. She has more than 15 years of experience in education and advancement, building meaningful relationships that help elevate organizational goals and connect individuals' passions to points of impact. Before joining Oak Hall School, she spent more than a decade at the University of Florida and Arizona State University, working to advance the student and family experience. Her rich experience in higher education created a deep appreciation for the K-12 learning experience. It is this passion that led her and her family to Oak Hall. Jaime, along with her husband John and their three children, John (Class of 2032), Jasper (Class of 2035), and Josephine (Class of 2036), are very grateful to be members of the Oak Hall Community.
Tammy Griffin
1st Grade Teacher
Tammy Griffin has taught at Oak Hall from 2004-2014 and 2019-present. She has taught at several grade levels throughout elementary and middle school in both public and private schools. She is the mom to two graduate “lifers” of Oak Hall, Patrick (Class of 2012) and Caleb (Class of 2018).
Christine Gutierrez
Mathematics Teacher
Christine Gutierrez joined Oak Hall in 2018 as an Upper School Mathematics Teacher. She has taught upper school mathematics in public and private schools in Florida and upper and middle school mathematics in the International Baccalaureate program in Puerto Rico.
Shannon Hall
Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Noah Harris
MS/US Latin
Noah Harris rejoined Oak Hall School as the Middle and Upper School Latin teacher. His journey at OHS originally began as a Kindergartener in 2005. After being an active member in Oak Hall's Junior Classical League, Noah coached Florida Certamen teams at National Conventions, ultimately leading him to teach Latin, where his story began.
Rachel Hart
LS TA 3rd Grade
Annie Henesy
1st Grade Teacher
Chris Henesy
Director of Technology
Ashoo Hingorani
Lower School Teaching Assistant
Ashoo Hingorani joined Oak Hall as a substitute teacher in 3-year-old Prechool-5th grade in 2020. At present, Ashoo is a Language Arts Teaching Assistant in 5th grade. Before moving to the US, she was a nine-year kindergarten teacher in India. She has a BS in Child Development and Masters in history and has completed two online short courses in Ancient and Modern literature from Harvard.
Andrew Hinson
Director of Security
Andrew Hinson joined Oak Hall in July 2022 as a Security Officer. Andrew attended Santa Fe College and graduated from the Santa Fe College Police Academy in February 2002. He began his law enforcement career with the Gainesville Police Department in July 2002 as a sworn Police Officer. During his career, he became an instructor in the following fields: Active Shooter, Firearms, Mounted Unit, and Field Training Officer. Andrew was assigned as a School Resource Officer for 5yrs until he retired from G.P.D. in July 2021, after 20yrs of service. Andrew is a Professor at Santa Fe College, where he teaches Criminal Justice at the Institute of Public Safety.
Helen Hite
4th Grade Teacher
Helen Hite joined Oak Hall as a fifth grade teacher in 2019. Born and raised in Littleton, Colorado, she attended the University of Denver on a swimming scholarship. The 2021-22 school year will be her 15th year of teaching. She taught for four years in CO, two in AZ, and six in WI. From 2007-2009 Helen served as an assistant men’s and women’s swimming coach at the University of Washington. Helen has three children at Oak Hall; Jackson (class of 2031), Holly (class of 2033), and Heidi (class of 2037)!
Kylie Holland
Integrated Science Teacher
Kylie Holland is a first grade teacher at Oak Hall School. She joined Oak Hall in 2016 as a Reading Resource Teacher. Kylie has also taught second grade, technology, and has been the Lower School Media Specialist. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Vanderbilt University in Educational Studies and Human and Organizational Development, as well as a Master of Science degree from Florida State University in Educational Leadership and Policy. Kylie and her husband Neal, have two daughters, both of whom attend Oak Hall.
Jason Holtzman
English Dept. Chair
Jason Holtzman is a proud Upper School English educator of 25 years. He earned his Master of Education from the University of Florida in 2000, has taught at Oak Hall since 2010, and proudly served as the English Department Head from 2013-2022. Jason is also the Sophomore Class sponsor and appreciates the service work his students have contributed to the community over the last five years. His daughter, Lantana, is a fellow Eagle (C/O ’29), and shares her father’s appreciation for the Harry Potter books and the Oxford Comma!
Caitlyn Hood
Lower School Teaching Assistant
Caitlyn Hood joined the Oak Hall team in 2019 as the Upper School Administrative Assistant. Before joining, she studied Early Childhood Education. She and her husband, Daniel, are proud parents of two Oak Hall Eagles, Curtis (Class of 2031) and Leighann (Class of 2034).
Gianna Hooper
US Science
Bio coming soon.
Linda Hughes
Auxiliary Head Counselor
Bio coming soon.
Matthew Hunt
MS Math
James Hutchins Ed.D
Head of School
James Hutchins joined Oak Hall as the Head of School in 2017. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Middle School Science from Shorter University, a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Jacksonville State University, an EdS in Educational Administration, and an EdD, both from the University of Alabama. Dr. Hutchins has 24 years of independent school experience.
Barry Hutchinson
Transportation Coordinator
Bio coming soon.
Rachel Javier
LS School Nurse
Carter Johnson
Middle School Math Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Audrey Jones
MS Art Teacher/Advancement Associate
Audrey Jones’ experience in art, design, marketing, and development blends as strengths for her role as Director of Fine Arts for Oak Hall School. As a Middle and Upper school teacher, she helped heighten a passion for Visual Arts with our students. Audrey is a dynamic and innovative leader who will actualize our vision for the next generation of learners. In 2001, she earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Florida in Health Science. She is the mom to Ashton (class of 2023), Gavin (OHS Class of 2025), and Lincoln (OHS Class of 2029).
Vanessa Kallas
MS Administrative Assistant
Lisa Karch
ECLC Administrative Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Robin Kelleher
Learning Support Coordinator for grades PS-5
Robin Kelleher launched her teaching career in 1997. Since then, she has taught various grades, from kindergarten to college, in public and private schools in Florida and Hawaii, spending several years teaching at Punahou School in Honolulu. She also spent two years working as a learning specialist on a clinical team of developmental pediatricians and educational psychologists in Chapel Hill, NC where she developed her passion for supporting students with learning differences. In addition, she enjoyed working with the University Athletic Association at UF, providing academic support to student-athletes at the Otis Hawkins Center. Robin holds FL teaching certifications in elementary education, gifted education, and ESOL. She is the mom of two Oak Hall Eagles, Miles (Class of 2021) and Henry (Class of 2027).
Randi Keller
1st Grade Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Allison Kidd
Allison Kidd is the Registrar and Database Administrator for the Middle and Upper School of Oak Hall. She brings a deep understanding of our community, having worked in all three of our divisions since her start here in our ECLC and Lower School in 2016. Allison graduated Cum Laude from Florida State University, where she earned double majors in Business Management and Human Resource Management with a minor in Economics. She and her husband, David, are also Oak Hall parents, with two sons attending our school.
Mary Charlotte Klettner
LS Administrative Assistant
Mary Charlotte Klettner is the Administrative Assistant in the Lower School. She is in her eleventh year working at Oak Hall. She attended Santa Fe College and the University of Florida and is currently pursuing a degree in History from Arizona State University online.
Bobby Kramer
Bio coming soon.
Jennifer Kuntz
LS Media Specialist/Librarian
Bio coming soon.
Becky Lancer
Bio coming soon.
Diego Lavieri-Sosa
LS Spanish Teacher
Diego Lavieri joined Oak Hall in 2022 as a 3rd grade Teaching Assistant. He is also an assistant coach for our Cross Country & Track teams.
Holly Leskovics
Director of Middle School
Holly Leskovics is a seasoned educator with a passion for guiding young minds through their formative years. With over 15 years of experience in both public and private education, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role as Director of Middle School.
Holly has her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Southern Methodist University and her Master's in Teaching from Georgia College & State University.
As Director of Middle School, Holly is dedicated to promoting academic excellence, nurturing student growth, and fostering a positive school culture. She believes in the power of education to inspire and empower young individuals to reach their full potential, and she is committed to leading by example in the pursuit of educational excellence.
Sarah Limon
Preschool Teacher
Sarah Limon is a teacher in our Preschool program. She has been working in Early Childhood Education for ten years. She and her husband, Sean, have two children, Jack, who graduated from Oak Hall in 2019, and Jacob, who graduated from Oak Hall in 2021.
Renee Long
MS Learning Specialist
Zachary Mair
Zachary Mair joined Oak Hall in 2022 as a Latin, Greek, and Math teacher for our Middle and Upper divisions.
Jeff Malloy
Interim Director of Upper School/Director of Operations
Jeff Malloy is the Director of Operations. Before serving in this role, Jeff was the Director of Athletics from 1996-2019 and the Dean of Upper School Students from 1996-2005. He also served as the Varsity Softball Coach for several years, guiding the school to its first-ever district championship in softball. He served as the SGA Faculty Representative and has been the Senior Class Adviser since 2004. Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences from the University of Florida and a Master of Science in Athletic Administration from Nova Southeastern University. Before his time at Oak Hall, Jeff was a Branch Executive for the YMCA of the Palm Beaches. He and his wife, Samantha, have one daughter, Emily, a proud member of the Oak Hall Class of 2023.
Austin Manning
Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Jim Margerum
Mathematics Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Michael Martinez
Upper School Faculty
From 2006 to 2019, Mike Martinez was the Director of Security. He has been at Oak Hall since 2000 and is also responsible for the Eagle Flight program. He has served as an Armor and Electronic Warfare Officer in the Army.
Susan Mathews
Human Resources Assistant
Susan Mathews is the Human Resource Assistant. Susan assists the Human Resource Information System (Paycom), initiates pre-employment background screening, processes payroll, administers employee-benefit programs, and helps employees as needed. Susan has been a member of the Oak Hall Family since February 2015.
Timothy McCarthy
Administrators,MS Assistant Director
Paul McInerney
US Math
Paul McInerney is an Upper School Mathematics teacher who came to Oak Hall in the fall of 2019. He has been teaching internationally in Turkey and China since 2010. Before that, he was living and teaching in Denver, Colorado. He has been teaching for 33 years.
Buffy McTureous
Assistant Athletic Director
Bio coming soon.
Edwin McTureous
Athletic Director and PE Depart. Chair
Edwin W. McTureous IV is the Director of Athletics. From 1995-2019, Edwin served as a Physical Education teacher for the Lower School. Since 2018, Edwin has served as Physical Education Department Head. Edwin holds a Bachelor of Science in Education and Sport Sciences from the University of Florida. Edwin has been the Head Boys & Girls Cross Country Coach for 19 years and the Head Boys & Girls Track and Field Coach for 22 years. Under Edwin's guidance, Oak Hall has won four Girls State Cross Country State Championships and five Girls State Track and Field Championships. Edwin and his wife, Buffy, have two children, a son, Benjamin, who graduated from Oak Hall in 2009, and a daughter, Emily, who graduated from Oak Hall in 2012.
Cheyanne Meisel
English Language Arts
Cheyanne Meisel teaches English 6 and World Cultures 7. She began teaching at Oak Hall in January 2020. Ms. Meisel has experience teaching children with diverse learning needs from kindergarten to eighth grade. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Ms. Meisel is the 6th grade team leader. She strongly advocates for creating a positive learning environment where all students can reach their full potential.
Rebecca Memon
Auxiliary Admin Assitant
Amanda Metzler
Learning Support Coordinator Grades 6-12
Amanda Metzler joined Oak Hall in the Fall of 2021 as an Upper School Learning Specialist. In the Spring of 2022, she began work as the Director of Learning Support and as an Upper School Learning Specialist. She is passionate about learning and working with all students to support their academic journey. Go Eagles!
Brooke Molitor
Director of Fine Arts; Performing Arts Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Karin Montini
Director of Teaching and Learning
Karin Montini joined Oak Hall as the Director of Teaching and Learning in April 2021. She holds a Master of Education / M.Ed. in School Leadership from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor of Science / B.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in mathematics from Florida State University. Currently, she is pursuing her Doctor of Education / Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership at Vanderbilt University Peabody College. Over her career in education, Karin spent several years in classroom teaching with a specialization in mathematics across Grades 3-8. Her interest in curriculum and instruction led her to work for Kaplan K-12 Learning and Project Power, where she wrote innovative educational content aligned with state standards and benchmarks and designed to transform classrooms into creative learning environments. Prior to joining the administrative team at Oak Hall, Karin also served as the Chair of Head Support and Evaluation on the Oak Hall Board of Trustees and Co-Chaired the school’s Head of School Search Committee in 2016. Karin and her husband, Reid, are proud parents of two Oak Hall Eagles who were lifers at the school, Austin (Class of 2021) and Caden (Class of 2023).
James Moon
LS PE Teacher
James Moon is one of our Lower School Physical Education teachers. He is also our PE Department Head and Varsity Girl’s Golf Coach at Oak Hall. James spent the first 26 years of his life in England. James moved to Gainesville in 2013 and has two daughters that attend Oak Hall. James has been a qualified teacher for 15 years and has coached various sports for 20 years. James was nationally ranked in badminton in England and won the University of Florida Badminton Championships shortly after moving to the United States. He also played competitive golf and tennis at the junior level.
Maria Morales De Lewis
US Spanish Teacher
Maria Morales was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She has a B.A. in Spanish from the University of Florida and an M.A. in Education from the University of Central Florida. She's pursuing an M.S. in Spanish Language Education from Nova Southeastern University and has completed 18 graduate credit hours. Maria has 14+ years of Spanish teaching experience, including five years of AP Spanish teaching. She has served as an AP Spanish reader for the College Board, as well as a judge in the Florida State Spanish Conference. She has also done fieldwork in Honduras and Perú. She first joined Oak Hall in the Spring of 2021. She helps our Upper School Spanish students compete in their annual Conferencia event. Since she started teaching at Oak Hall, Sra. Morales teaches Spanish I, Spanish II C.P., and Spanish II Honors courses.
Paul Mucci
US Learning Specialist
Paul Mucci joined Oak Hall in 2021 as a Middle School and Upper School English teacher. He is certified in grades K - 6 (elementary) and 6 - 12 (English) and has Middle Grades and ESOL endorsements from the State of Florida. He has served as a Resource Teacher for Brevard Public Schools and as an Adjunct Instructor for Eastern Florida State College and the University of Central Florida. He teaches English I, English I Honors, and Senior Seminar.
Donna Muller
Director of Educational Technology & Data Mgt.
Donna Muller joined the Oak Hall team as the Director of Educational Technology and Data Management in 2021. In this role, Donna helps others discover the benefits of technology and its possibilities to enhance and support learning in the classroom.
Sunny Murphy Brown
5th Grade Teacher
Sunny Murphy Brown joined Oak Hall as a 5th grade math and cursive teacher. After undergrad, she was an Americorp Teaching Coordinator at Summerbridge. She began teaching in the classroom in 2000, teaching 4th and 5th grade students.
Julia Musso
4th Grade Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Andrea Newman
Andrea Newman is the Chief Financial Officer. She is a Gainesville native and graduated from the University of Florida with a Master of Accounting in 2004. She started her career in public accounting at a regional firm based out of Gainesville, where she obtained her CPA license and worked for 16 years specializing in non-profit tax and audit with a focus on higher education. She officially joined the Oak Hall administrative team in January 2021 after serving as the outsourced CFO since November 2019.
April Palmer
Bio coming soon.
Laura Parrinello
5th Grade Language Arts
Allison Paxton
Lower School Counselor
Allison Paxton is the School Counselor for our Lower School and started at Oak Hall in 2022. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and graduated with her Master of Social Work Degree from Florida State University in 2017. Allison provides individual and group counseling, conducts classroom guidance lessons, assists with referrals to outside counseling and community programs, responds to crisis situations and works collaboratively with parents and the school team to address mental health concerns and support students.
Vonnie M Peabody
Auxilliary,Extended Day
Katharine Poniatowski
Assistant Director of Enrollment Management
Sirisha Prasanap
Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
Jessie Reddish
Systems Administrator
Eric Ringdahl
P.E. Teacher/Conditioning Coach
Bio coming soon.
Luisa Rodriguez
4th Grade Teaching Assistant
Bio coming soon.
Che Roth
US Dean of Students
Kirsten Rowe
Director of Human Resources & Legal Compliance
Kirsten Rowe received her B.A. from the University of Florida, her Juris Doctorate from Widener/Delaware School of Law, and was a visiting student at the University of Florida College of Law. A member of the Florida Bar since 1998 and a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit civil mediator, Kirsten’s legal practice focused on corporate and commercial litigation and alternative dispute resolution. Kirsten’s connection to education began with her work as an adjunct professor at Santa Fe College, where she had the privilege of teaching various legal skills classes focusing on business law and ethics. Before joining the Oak Hall administrative team, Kirsten served on the Judicial Nominating Commission for the 8th Judicial Circuit (2014-2020) and was the President/Chair of the Oak Hall Board of Trustees (2017-2020). She and her husband, Scott, are the proud parents of Kaylee Rowe (Oak Hall Class of 2022), and Mackenzie Rowe (Oak Hall Class of 2026).
Linda Sue Rucarean
4th Grade Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Joseph Ruth
Edward Sambrano
US English
Tanya Sayour
School Nurse
Tanya joined Oak Hall School as a Registered Nurse in 2022. She has been a Registered Nurse since 2009 and has worked in the acute care setting. She has staffed multiple pediatric units, including the Pediatric ICU, Pediatric Emergency Room, and Pediatric medical-surgical units. She has a passion for education and mental health, and well-being. Her goal for the clinic is to continually combine her clinical expertise and passions to treat the students at Oak Hall School with comprehensive care. She is also a mom of three Oak Hall Eagles, Luke (Class of 2031), Lilah (Class of 2033), and Noah (Class of 2037).
Krystal Serrano
World Language Teacher
Krystal Serrano is an Upper School Spanish teacher who has taught Spanish at Oak Hall since 2012. She is the Spanish Club advisor and has helped lead Oak Hall’s competitive Spanish team to 1st place in its division at the Florida State Spanish Conference. She also maintains a 100% student pass rate on the AP Spanish exam. She is the mom of one Oak Hall Eagle, Luna (Class of 2036), and one future Oak Hall Eagle, Río.
Molly Sexton
Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning
Bio coming soon.
Diane Shaw
4th/5th Grade Science Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Terry Shepherd
Preschool Teacher
Terry Shepherd started teaching at Oak Hall in 1999, serving as team leader from 2019-2021. She is an alumna of the University of Miami.
Sophia Skoglund-Cotter
MS History
Sophia started teaching at Oak Hall in 2022 as a Middle School History teacher. She sponsors the Middle School Student Government Club and Assembly Club, hosts a Mock Trial Club, and co-coordinates the Global Affairs Distinguished Scholars Program.
Evelyn Smith
Media Specialist
As a Middle and Upper School English teacher, Evelyn Smith joined the Oak Hall faculty in 1990. For two decades, she taught English in grades 7, 8, 10, and 12, including AP English Literature and electives such as Creative Writing and Research Skills. She served as the English Department chair from 2002 to 2012. In 2011, she became the librarian at the Oak Hall Middle and Upper School library. Her son, Henry Palmer, graduated in 2021 as an Oak Hall Lifer.
Mackenzie Smith
Faculty, LS 3rd Grade
Maria L Sosa
Faculty, LS Spanish Teacher
Austin Sparrow
Austin joined Oak Hall in 2021.
Sherolyn Spencer
Testing AP Proctor
Sherolyn serves as the Test Proctor in the US Testing Center. She facilitates tests, quizzes & exams, as necessary, by welcoming testers, interacting with students regarding test parameters, and ensuring academic integrity guidelines are followed. In addition, she collaborates with faculty and staff to provide an accommodating environment for those coming to the center. Sherolyn sponsors the Black Student Union and has done so since its inception in 2019.
Neeta Sriram
MS Science Teacher
Neeta Sriram joined Oak Hall as a substitute teacher in 2012. In 2019, she became a 4th grade Teaching Assistant. She became a Middle School Science teacher in 2023. Her daughter, Aryana, is a proud member of Oak Hall's Class of 2027.
Jason Stahl
Music Teacher
Jason Stahl is the Middle/Upper School Music Director at Oak Hall School and has led our music program for the past fifteen years. He has developed a multicultural curriculum rooted in Western musical traditions and global music, including one of the only secondary school Taiko Ensembles in the Southern United States. During his tenure, Oak Hall’s ensembles have been featured at major educational conferences, including a performance on the main stage of the NCIS Conference in front of thousands of teachers and administrators. Jason has also been part of traveling delegations representing Gainesville and Oak Hall School in nations across the globe. He has been a featured speaker/presenter for his global-based work at the National Mayor’s Conference and the Florida Music Educators Association Professional Development conference. Jason has played as a professional musician and composer for over 25 years and is the proud Father of two boys at Oak Hall: Jonah (class of 2027) and Joel (class of 2030)
Madison Stephens
2nd Grade Teacher
Madison McIntyre joined Oak Hall School as a 4th Grade Teaching Assistant in 2019. This is her second year teaching 2nd grade.
Ginny Switt
Science Teacher
Ginny Switt is the Lower School Science Teacher for 3-year-old Preschool through Third Grade. She is in her tenth year of teaching Science at Oak Hall School. Ginny is a fossil enthusiast and enjoys teaching paleontology and other after-school science classes. She and her husband, Randy, have one son, Alex, a rising senior at Oak Hall School, where he has attended since Preschool.
Katharine Tanner
Upper School Counselor
Katie Tanner is the School Counselor for the Upper School and has been with Oak Hall School since December 2021. She graduated with her Master of Social Work from Florida State University in 2001. She has worked at the college level and with middle and high school students, providing crisis counseling and mental health support. Katie provides individual and group counseling, assists with referrals to outside counseling and community programs, responds to crises, and works collaboratively with parents and the school team to address mental health concerns and support students.
Penny Thie
Accounting Assistant
Penny Thie joined the Oak Hall Business Office as an Accounting Assistant in 2007. Penny managed the Accounts Payable and Receivables until 2015 when Oak Hall transitioned to the FACTS Tuition System. With that transition, Penny became the FACTS lead for Oak Hall, working closely with our Oak Hall families. Penny and her husband, Daryl, have two daughters, “Oak Hall Lifers,” both having spent their 3-year-old Preschool through Grade 12 years at Oak Hall; Eryn, Class of ‘05, and Morgan, Class of ’10. Thirty combined years and growing as an Oak Hall Eagle!
Stacy Thompson
LS Learning Specialist
Jordan Torgunrud
US Chemistry Teacher
Danielle Tripp
Assistant Director for Summer & Auxiliary Programs
Danielle Tripp is our Assistant Director for Summer & Auxiliary Programs. She started with the Summer & Auxiliary programs at Oak Hall in 2012. Danielle also serves as one of the Varsity Head Coaches for the Boys and Girls Swimming & Diving teams.
Alison Umpleby
TA, Teaching Assistant K
Sarah Ward
3rd Grade Teacher
Bio coming soon.
Kaitlyn Webb
Assistant Director of College Counseling
Kat Webb joined Oak Hall in 2022 as the Assistant Director of College Counseling. She began her career in education in 2016 as a high school English and Journalism teacher. Still, she realized her passion was assisting students in the college process, leading her to the University of Florida Office of Admissions. Kat served as an Admissions Officer and Assistant Director before transitioning to Oak Hall, where she can dedicate her time to working with students on their post-secondary pathway. Kat received a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from the University of Florida, a Master of Arts in Educational Technology from Florida Gulf Coast University, and will soon complete a Master of Education in Educational Leadership.
Audrey West
Assistant Director of Lower School
Bio coming soon.
Andy Westfall
US English
Bio coming soon.
Kimberly Wilkins
Director of College Counseling
Kim joined Oak Hall School in 2022 as College Counselor. She has worked in college advising for over 20 years. She has been actively involved in the Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling (PCACAC), Southern Association for College Admission Counseling (SACAC), and the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).