
WELCOMING AND DIVERSE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTWe believe global awareness and cross-cultural experiences are critical components of an excellent education.

Admission Process

  1. Complete an online application.
  2. Submit a copy of the student’s passport.
  3. Submit a copy of the student’s report card (most recent and prior year final report). Transcripts must be evaluated and translated in English.
    • All international applicants applying to Upper School (9th-12th) are required to take the TOEFL exam (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and receive a 90 or higher for direct admission.
    • All International applicants applying to Middle School (6th-8th) are required to take the TOEFL Junior Test.
  4. The Admissions Committee will consider Upper School applicants with TOEFL scores of 80-89, but students will need one prior year in a US school.
  5. Submit a graded English writing sample. This can be an English writing assignment, essay, or report in any subject from their current school year.
  6. Submit a copy of the student’s Discipline/Behavior Report or statement that indicates no prior history.
  7. Submit Math and English Student Evaluation Forms. The forms are electronically sent to the applicant’s current Math and English teachers from the online application.
  8. Complete a Zoom interview with our Admissions Committee and Division Director.
  9. Current immunization records (Florida DH Form 680) and health certificates (Florida DH Form 3040) are required of all new students prior to attendance. The medical forms may be completed upon arrival to the United States.

Going Deeper


Our purpose, dynamic academic approach, and rich 52-year history


View tuition costs, additional fees, and financial assistance opportunities


For questions, contact our Enrollment Director, Nancy Coleman

Important Dates

The cutoff date for international applicants is July 1st, each year, to ensure adequate time for students to process I-20, apply for an F-1 student visa, and arrive on campus for orientation. International applications are only accepted for the fall term. We do not accept mid-year transfers/acceptance for international students. Our international students are expected to attend Oak Hall for a minimum of a full academic year.

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Student Housing

Oak Hall does not provide international student housing or assist with host family placement. Oak Hall works with Private & Public School F-1 Exchange (PSE) for international students requiring a host family in the United States. If you are interested in exploring housing options, please contact Cheryl Da Silva of PSE at cdasilva@pse-edu.org.

If you are an international student who will be living with a family member or a host family of your choice in Gainesville, FL, please contact the Director of Enrollment Management, Nancy Coleman, at 352-332-3609 x112 or ncoleman@oakhall.org.

International Student Fees

There is a $100 one-time registration fee in addition to a $1,500 international student fee. Please note that the registration fee, tuition, and international student fees must be paid in full before an I-20 will be issued. If a student’s F-1 visa is denied, Oak Hall School will refund the tuition minus the $900 tuition deposit, $100 one-time registration fee, and $1,500 international student fee.