OAK HALL ATHLETICSAcross 14 sports teams, 77% of students proudly represent Oak Hall School in interscholastic competitions.
Quick Links
Ticket to Play
Click here to complete your Ticket to Play.
Athletics Calendar
To view our 6th-12th Grade Athletic Events click here.
GoFan Ticketing
Click here to purchase Tickets for Athletic Events 6th-12th Grade
NFHS Network
Watch your 6th-12th Grade OHS Athletic Events by clicking here.
Athletic Handbook/Athletic Booster
Click here to view and download the handbook.
Edwin W. McTureous IV
Director of Athletics

Buffy L. McTureous
Assistant Director of Athletics

Angie Cook
Assistant Director of Athletics

Sideline Cheer
Cross Country (Boys)
Cross Country (Girls)
Football [Varsity] [Middle School]
Golf (Boys)
Golf (Girls)
Volleyball (Girls) [Varisty] [Jr. Varsity] [Middle School]
Swimming & Diving
Soccer (Boys)
Soccer (Girls)
Basketball (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Competitive Co-ed Cheer
Track & Field (Boys)
Track & Field (Girls)
Lacrosse (Boys)
Lacrosse (Girls)
Tennis (Boys)
Tennis (Girls)
How do I get my child cleared to participate in sports?
Click here to complete your Ticket to Play.
Where can I find the athletic schedules for my child's team?
Are student-athletes expected to attend all practices and games?
Yes. Student-athletes should not miss practices or games/matches/meets. Missing or leaving early from practice or a game/match/meet is not allowed for non-Oak Hall functions (i.e., club sports, music lessons, hair appointments, etc.). Life events such as weddings, funerals, sickness, etc., are instances when a student-athlete can miss a practice or game/match/meet.
How do I know when each season begins?
An email will be sent out in advance to all families providing them with the date and time each sport will begin. This information will also be available on the school website.
Are student-athletes able to participate in more than one sport?
Yes. Student-athletes may participate in activities involved in overlapping sports with the understanding that the in-season sport takes priority over the upcoming sport.
Does Oak Hall provide transportation to away athletic events?
Yes. Transportation will be provided to all events when a bus/driver is available. The only time transportation is not provided is for any varsity event in Alachua County.
If a student-athlete is late to school, can they still participate or compete in a game/meet/match?
- Student-athletes may still attend or participate in practices or games if they miss classes due to an excused absence such as school trip, doctor appointment (with official documentation), etc. Decisions regarding the validity of an excused absence are made by the Director of Athletics if athletic eligibility is a concern.
- Excused absences other than school-related trips must not result in more than half of the student’s classes being missed to be eligible for attendance or participation in a game or practice.
- If a student misses more than one-half of any scheduled class for reasons other than the aforementioned, he/she will be ineligible to compete, practice, or attend any athletic competition or practice on that given day.
What is BAND app?
Band App is the main form of communication for all Oak Hall athletic teams. The Athletic Department and coaches use Band App to communicate team-specific information to parents and athletes. All parents will be invited to the Band App from the Athletic Department once their child has been placed on a team roster. Examples: dismissal times, bus departure, schedule changes, etc.
Are Oak Hall families required to pay admission to attend home athletic events?
No. Oak Hall families and friends do not pay to attend regular season home athletic events.