Title Sponsor 

Donation of $8,000 (Limit of 1 Sponsor or Donation) OR Donation of $10,00 (Limit of 2 Co-Sponsors)

•Naming rights to the event (e.g. Oak Hall School Eagle Fest by ….)•10 all-inclusive Eagle packages (5 for each sponsor if co-sponsoring)•Premier signage at the event •Mention in the majority of media outreach•Premier marketing booth space opportunity at the event to promote your business •Logo on event posters, flyers, and bookmark•Logo on 2 promotional banners•Logo on the event website •Logo on specialized Eagle Fest email advertisements and social media•Logo on event map

(Not Valid for in-kind donation) 

Platinum Sponsor

Donation of $3,000 ♦ Limit of 8 Sponsors ♦ 5 all-inclusive Eagle packages with T-shirts ♦ Marketing booth opportunity at event to promote your business ♦ Logo on event flyers and “Tickets on Sale” ♦ Logo on 1 promotional banner ♦ Logo on back of the event T-shirt ♦ Logo on the event website ♦ Logo on specialized Eagle Fest email advertisements and social media ♦ Logo on event map

Gold Sponsor

Donation of $1,500 ♦ 4 all-inclusive Eagle packages with T-shirts ♦ Logo on event flyers and “Tickets on Sale” ♦ Logo on 1 promotional banner ♦ Logo on back of the event T-shirt ♦ Logo on the event website ♦ Name on specialized Eagle Fest email advertisements and social media ♦ Logo on event map

Silver Sponsor

Donation of $650 ♦ 2 all-inclusive Eagle packages with T-shirts ♦ Logo on back of the event T-shirt ♦ Logo on the event website ♦ Logo on event map

Booth Sponsor

Donation of $500 ♦ Logo on the event website ♦ Logo on event map ♦ Space to provide your own booth at event to promote your business

Exclusive Marketing Sponsorship Opportunities

Eagle Fest Bag Sponsorship

Donation of $1,500

Limit of 1 Sponsor

•Bags with the event details plus a large logo on one side of the bag •Logo on specialized Eagle Fest email advertisements and social media•Logo on the event website •Name on event map

Eagle Fest Water Bottle Sponsorship

Donation of $1,500

Limit of 1 Sponsor

•Logo placed on 1,000 disposable plastic water bottles for the event•Leftover water bottles will be used for various school events throughout the year•Logo on specialized Eagle Fest email advertisements and social media•Logo on the event website •Name on event map

Eagle Fest Adult Beverage Sponsor

This sponsorship has been filled

Donation of $650

Limit 1 Sponsor

•Logo on specialized Eagle Fest email advertisements and social media•Logo on the event website •Name on event map •Logo on the back of the event T-shirt

Eagle Fest Attraction Sponsor

Donation of $650

•Logo on yard sign in front of the attraction •Logo on event map•Logo on promotional banner •Opportunity to hand out marketing material at the attraction